Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Time Goes On

Aubrey and the girls have been here for just over a month now. It's going pretty well. We still don't have all her stuff down here and we don't have the basement done yet, but it will come. Alair and Claire play quite well considering.
The kids were all home for the Super Bowl. WE were supposed to watch the Vikings and the Colts. The Saints won and since the Vikings were better than the Saints, the Colts would have lost either way! Or so I told Kratzer as he cried into his beer. The weekend was a lot of fun. Saturday was really nice and Alair, Claire, and Carly were outside with Sleds and Erik. I think he likes this as much as the little girls.
This last weekend Erik was in the all male play in Morristowm. He makes such a lovely girl.
I'm finally in the mood to bake and cook again. I think it was because my life got turned upside down with Aubrey moving home. And winter is getting awfully long this year. Oh well, it's almost March. Spring will be here soon?

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